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New Models of Higher Education Customized for the Modern Learner 

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Illumination by Modern Campus


There’s a phenomenon already occurring around adult learners customizing their own educational pathways and higher education needs to act fast. 

On this episode, we spoke with Aaron Brower, Executive Director of Extended Campus and Senior Associate Vice President of Academic Affair at University of Wisconsin System, and Ryan Specht-Boardman, Program Manager of the UW Flexible Option at University of Wisconsin Extended Campus.

Aaron and Ryan talk about the growing trend of unbundled, customized and new models of higher education and how to meet this need for the modern learner. 


**Aaron and Ryan are seeking chapter proposals for an edited book, “New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Customized, DIY.”  The objective is to pull together leading voices and stakeholders who are committed to this student-centered, DIY, mix-and-match vision of how higher education has evolved. The Call for Proposals ends October 9th. For more details, or to propose a chapter, click here.**



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New Models of Higher Education Customized for the Modern Learner

A conversation around this idea of DIY is needed. Institutions need to look at how they can provide and support this mixing and matching of credentials.

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