Blog Posts

Unlock success and deliver a modern learner experience by exploring best practices and expert tips.




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Increasing Efficiency to Increase Student Engagement

Western Continuing Studies increased efficiency and improved engagement with their learners by adopting Modern Campus'...

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Prioritize the Learner Experience With a Purpose-Built System

Learn how adopting a purpose-built system can help you prioritize student experience.

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How to Launch Marketing Campaigns That Bring Students to the Door

The landscape of higher education has been changing for decades, with reductions in budgets, changing student demographics...

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It's time to modernize your college shopping cart.
Modernize Your Higher Ed Shopping Cart with a Next-Gen System

You might not know this, but your outdated registration system is probably losing students before they ever enroll.

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Online Shopping for Higher Education

Better understand the modern journey of your non-traditional students as customers.

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3 Ways to Bring Today's Students In

Students have an incredibly diverse choice available to them. Learn how customer lifecycle management helps attract today's...

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Applying 4 eCommerce Best Practices to the Community College Student Experience

Learn the four best practices from the eCommerce world that you can apply at your community college and help your students...

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Help your university attract and retain non-traditional students.
Your Student Experience Will Make All the Difference to Career-Climbers

Learn how investing in student experience can help your university attract and retain non-traditional students, looking...

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