Blog Posts

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a person with tall, curly hair writing in a notepad next to a laptop
Non-Degree Pathways a Viable Postsecondary Option for All Ages

Mid-career adults have always been the target audience for Continuing & Workforce Education divisions… but maybe it’s...

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the front doors of an Admissions building on a university campus
How Continuing Education Can Automate Enrollment Workflows for Non-Traditional Students

How your CE unit can expedite business processes with fewer clicks

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dozens of empty seats in a large classroom lecture hall
Resourced for Success: Enrollment and Retention Advice from College Executives

Two community college presidents discuss how they’ve pivoted their institutional strategies to drive student enrollment,...

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long aisle of books inside a library
Clarifying the Alternative: Why Higher Ed Needs to Better Define Microcredential Skills

Enrollment management if often viewed as supplementary, but it should be considered a core element of strategic planning.

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rows of students studying in a large campus library
Enrollment First: How Empowering Enrollment Management Can Drive Innovation

Enrollment management if often viewed as supplementary, but it should be considered a core element of strategic planning.

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a row of empty chairs in a lecture hall
Everyone Wants to Grow CE. We Need to Resource It.

Three Continuing Education leaders discuss why and how non-credit resourcing will determine the field's future.

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an outdoor campus sign that says
Grabbing Focus: How Continuing Education Can Take Center Stage

It will take a culture shift—and a mission redirection among many institution—to fully embrace CE, workforce development...

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a street cross section with one sign that says College Street and another that says Wall Street
Corporate Partnerships and the Digital Revolution: How Continuing Education Must Continue to Evolve

Corporations need the tools, infrastructure and expertise that only colleges and universities can provide.

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a lecture hall full of seated students
3 Ways to Scale Your Continuing Education Unit with Better Administration

Continuing Education is positioned to take center stage in the learner revolution. But it'll need to deal with their cumbersome...

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