Blog Posts

Unlock success and deliver a modern learner experience by exploring best practices and expert tips.




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Building Texas by Offering Stackable Credentials

Learn how the stackable credentials model is helping Texas reach its goal of educational attainment. 

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Looking for a Vendor? Make Sure Your Mission Aligns First

Colleges and universities are beginning to realize that they simply cannot do everything efficiently and effectively without...

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What Higher Education Can Learn from Online Retailers

Higher education institutions must learn from online retailers, those that fail to provide an enhanced online experience...

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It's Time to Ditch College Rankings

It’s critical to move past prioritizing factors that help institutions rank well and instead focus on developing institutional...

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The Rebirth of Student Information Systems

The higher ed landscape today is highly competitive and constantly shifting, but with well thought-out and carefully supported...

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To learn more about the 60-year curriculum.
A Student Lifecycle for The Modern Era

To learn more about the 60-year curriculum, and how it could transform your institution, download our eBook.

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Learn how to grow student enrollment.
Improve the Online Registration Experience and Watch Enrollments Grow

Learn how your institution can use online shopping carts to streamline registrations and grow enrollments.

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We must treat students like customers in continuing education.
Let’s Get Over Ourselves: Students are Customers, Now and Forever

The "students are customers" mindset is essential to serving modern learners.

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Learn how to engage with non-traditional students.
Six Steps to Attract and Retain Non-Traditional Students

Learn the six steps CE leaders can take to ensure their university is designed to attract and retain non-traditional students....

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