Enrollment Management | Message

Today’s prospective and current college students are more diverse, more likely to be first-generation college students, and more likely to be from underrepresented demographics.

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Meet your enrollment goals by reaching students where they operate most


Specific, individualized texting is critical to getting the student the relevant information they need when they need it. From recruiting prospects to setting admitted students up for success, the Modern Campus communication platform enables enrollment management professionals to meet their admissions goals while making meaningful connections with students.

Guide students through the admissions funnel

Each institution is unique with its own admissions process, nomenclature, and expectations. During the recruiting process, differentiate your institution with a personalized approach to support each step of the way. Messaging students who haven’t started, have started, or have completed the application with specific guidance and opening up the channel for conversation underscores your ethic in student success.

Keep admits on track to enroll

Don’t let a deadline cause admitted students to fall through the cracks. Schedule reminders about upcoming admissions deadlines and activities that they have to get done to stay on track to start classes. Often it is the ability of the student to respond that has the greatest value—they can ask questions specifically relevant to their situation.

Make meaningful connections with students

Establish trust with your student body by sparking conversations with applicants and admitted students early in the enrollment process. Encourage communications between students and admissions teams throughout the student life cycle.



Enrollment Management

Texting Examples


Turning a prospect into an applicant is a feat in itself, but the work isn’t finished yet! We can help guide students through their college applications, clearing up any confusing instructions along the way. Most applicants will reach out with their questions via text, so training your entire admissions staff to use Modern Campus Message will allow you to get them to the finish line. 
admitted students

After a student is admitted, continuing the conversation is critical. Some students will get offers from several schools, so it’s up to your admissions team to position your school at the front of their minds. Other students may need nudges to pay enrollment fees, sign up for orientation, and start planning for the start of the school year. 
current students

It’s important that communication doesn't stop once a student steps on campus. Students who feel supported academically, socially, and financially are less likely to drop out of college. Modern Campus Message allows admissions counselors to continually engage with students throughout the semester, helping them answer questions about classes and directing them to important resources for financial aid or mental health support.




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