Improve Engagement with a Non-Traditional Student Lifecycle Management System


Modernize Your Digital Presence

Reach Prospects Early
Prospect Students Early

Offer K-12 access

Launch summer camps, dual enrollment courses and enrichment opportunities to bring K-12 students onto your campus.

Stay active on social media

Leverage CMS plug-ins to automatically push content to Facebook and Twitter when a new or updated page goes live.

Make yourself easy to find

Leverage SEO optimizations to stand out to students when they’re searching for offerings.

Enrollment Manager

Offer seamless registration

Leverage Modern Campus Lifelong Learning’s enhanced registration system to make enrollment frictionless for students.

Simplify career outcomes

With Modern Campus Career Pathways, students can easily understand the career possibilities a particular course or program opens up for them.

Deliver stackable credentials

Leverage student histories to simplify the registration process for students, allowing them to progress through stackable credentials without bureaucratic barriers.


Drive Ongoing Engagement

Help students navigate your website

With robust personalization in our CMS, the website will offer relevant and personalized content to students, right from the homepage.

Give students control

Self-service functionalities built into the student portal allow learners to manage their enrollment and access critical resources without relying on staff.

Drive student success

Students can track their progress toward credential attainment, and marketing campaigns can inspire them to enroll in the next relevant offering.

Expand Your Lifelong Learning Touchpoints

Diversify the offerings in your portfolio to create opportunities for students of all ages. 

Digital Credentials

Digital Credentials

Automate micro-credentialing process.

Learn about Digital Credentials

Corporate Engagement Manager

Corporate Engagement Manager

Foster and manage compelling corporate partnerships.

Learn about Corporate Engagement Manager

International and Specialty Programs Manager

International & Specialty Programs Manager

Engage international and ESL audiences more effectively.

Learn about International & Specialty Programs Manager

Proctor and Exam Scheduling

Proctor & Exam Scheduling

Create automated, student-first exam scheduling.

Learn about Proctor & Exam Scheduling

Language Packs

Language Packs

Translate your website, student portal and key communications.

Learn about Language Packs



Bring data to life and make it work for you.

Learn about Dashboards

Conference Manager

Conference Manager

The world's only event management software designed for higher ed.

Learn about Conference Manager



Clearly connect courses and programs to career ROI.

Learn about Pathways


A Digital Experience that Tailors the Website to Each Visitor

Take your website from static to active, and ensure it’s delivering the high-quality experience a modern student expects.

Harness the Modern Campus Student Engagement Platform to deliver a truly personalized website experience.

  • Serve up a customized front page that highlights relevant content depending on visitor browsing patterns.
  • Easily set up SEO-optimized landing pages for courses and programs that make it easy for people to find you through search engines.
  • Offer advanced search functionalities on your website to help people find exactly what they want with only a few keywords.
Temple Website




Average increase in revenue generated by Modern Campus customers resulting from abandoned cart prompt


Average revenue generated by all Modern Campus customers every year from abandoned cart prompts


Average cart abandonment rate among all Modern Campus customers (compared to eCommerce industry average of 66%)

Make Your Checkout Experience Seamless

Modern Campus Lifelong Learning offers a next-generation shopping cart experience that goes from responsive to transformative. Maximize your conversion rates with features including:

  • Visual shopping cart
  • Automated waitlist notifications and course launch emails
  • Save-for-later functionality
  • Batch enrollment capabilities
  • Abandoned shopping cart recovery
  • Next-generation payment options


Create Opportunities for Students to Stay Engaged

Lifelong learning is a reality for today’s working professionals, and the Modern Campus Student Engagement Platform is designed to keep individuals coming back forever.

Let students track their certificate progress and easily see what courses they need to earn critical credentials. You can even leverage certificate completion prompts that motivate students to keep going.

Provide further encouragement by awarding digital completion badges students can share on their networks, thus transforming them into marketers without you lifting a finger. (We’ve had customers increase page traffic 15 times this way!)

Learn more about digital badges

Extra Credit

University of Minnesota

Badges granted in 12 months

Claim rate for badges

Badge claimers who post to LinkedIn




Offer a Consistent Student Experience

We know that every institution has numerous faculties, divisions and departments that often operate independently. But students get confused when their experience is inconsistent.

Give students the consistent experience they crave by leveraging our simplified APIs to integrate the Modern Campus platform into your CRM, your main campus SIS, your LMS, your payment processor and more.




Schools Love Us

With the adoption of Lifelong Learning and the enhancements we’ve made, we’re really starting to see our marketing conversion rates go way up.

Fred AngerExecutive Director of Financial Planning and Strategy for the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University
Learn how the Chang School at Ryerson University is leveraging Modern Campus Lifelong Learning.



Serve Students for Life

Engage students not just for two or four years but for 60. Your relationships with students can start in childhood, extend across their careers and into retirement. 

Leverage the Modern Campus Student Engagement Platform to deliver the experience they want at every touchpoint!

Get a Modern Campus platform demo


Related Resources

Learn how to serve learners for life.


Survive and Thrive by Serving the Lifelong Learner

There are exciting opportunities to grow for institutions that prioritize the development of strong non-degree programming.

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Get tips from our post-secondary playbook.


The Post-Secondary Playbook for the COVID-19 Recession

Historic unemployment and low college enrollment? How did that happen? Read how CE programming can help keep you relevant.

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Learn how to improve responsiveness with Destiny One.


Three Approaches to Improving Responsiveness with Destiny One

Responsiveness is key to success for any postsecondary institution! Learn how two customers are leveraging the system to keep pace with industry needs.

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