Streamlining Students’ Web Experience at Nightingale College

How a Nursing School is able to put information at students’ fingertips and increase web traffic by 30%.

About Nightingale College  







program completion rate



staff and faculty


in this case study: Rick Bentz, Director of Marketing


The Challenge   

Often, a prospective learner will base their decision on an institution through their website. What’s more, these modern learners–both current and prospective students–expect to find everything they need with just a few clicks.  

Websites have become critical platforms for higher ed institutions to effectively engage their audience and provide seamless access to information. 

For Nightingale College, their outdated website wasn’t serving this purpose. 

Rick Bentz, Director of Marketing at Nightingale College, highlights that their previous website was too disorganized for anyone navigating the website.  

Having the website designed for prospective learners to really understand Nightingale's education model and experience was impossible.

Rick Bentz | Director of Marketing

As it was difficult for learners to find relevant information, staff and faculty had to rely heavily on social media to explain the student experience and what they had to offer.  

For Nightingale, the goal was for their website to serve a three-pronged mission: act as a marketing platform, provide a clear-cut path for prospective learners and effectively convey the institution's brand.  

The Solution

Recognizing the need for a website that could deliver information quickly and cleanly to learners, Nightingale College turned to the Modern Campus CMS for a solution.  

With the new CMS, they were able to integrate their catalog into the website and make quick updates that were replicated across the entire site to provide a more seamless experience for learners.  

We’re able to make updates in one spot and then content is updated throughout the site automatically where it’s referenced.

Rick Bentz

The catalog was broken down into elements that were strategically placed throughout the site, ensuring that learners encountered relevant information wherever they navigated. The CMS also facilitated the synchronization of addendums, allowing Nightingale College to maintain up-to-date and accurate information effortlessly.   

Keeping a catalog that's pretty robust and accurate is really important, and that's really why we chose Modern Campus.

Rick Bentz

The process of implementing the new website took longer than anticipated, as it was critical to prioritize quality over speed. Significant time was invested in developing the site design to ensure it delivered the optimal learner experience. The institution, however, had no regrets about the extended timeline, understanding that delivering a user-friendly and visually appealing website was paramount. 

The Results

The results of Nightingale College's website transformation were remarkable. Within the first year of launching the new website, Bentz shared that they experienced a 30% increase in website traffic volume, which has remained at a sustained plateau ever since.  

The way the menu structure works with our website--the way it's designed and how it functions–makes it much easier for an active learner to go in and find what they're looking for.

Rick Bentz

The improved website design and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies played a crucial role in attracting more visitors. Nightingale College's catalog was seamlessly integrated into the SEO framework, resulting in higher visibility and increased organic traffic. 

Staying relevant to what’s going on in the market in terms of trends and technology is critical for Bentz.  

Modern Campus gives us a much better ability than we had before. They're able to find areas that we need to keep updated on new website faster than we ever could.

Rick Bentz

The benefits of the revamped website extended beyond increased traffic. Graduates found it significantly easier to navigate graduate programs, while active learners could access the services and information they needed effortlessly.  

The days of sifting through hundreds of pages in a PDF catalog were over, as the website provided a streamlined and user-friendly experience. 

“The ability to get to what you need quicker and logically better has helped on the lead flow and overall the student experience,” Bentz said.  


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About Modern Campus

Modern Campus empowers 1,700+ higher education institutions to attract, engage, and retain learners for life with software solutions that enable a modern student experience. 

The Modern Campus learner-to-earner lifecycle platform powers solutions for web content managementconversational text messagingcatalog and curriculum managementcareer pathwaysstudent engagement and development, and non-traditional student management. The result: innovative institutions engage their modern learners for life, while providing modern administrators with the tools needed to streamline workflows and drive high efficiency.  

Learn how Modern Campus is leading the modern learner-to-earner movement at and follow us on LinkedIn. 


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