About UNC Charlotte
master's degree programs
bachelor’s degree programs
“Modern Campus Catalog and Curriculum have been a huge component in the Graduation Initiative’s success. Since the campus-wide rollout, positive reviews have been received from advisers and faculty about the simplicity of catalog production with Modern Campus Catalog and the reduced time course and curriculum proposals take using Modern Campus Curriculum.
Dr. Leslie ZenkThe Challenge
A non-intuitive catalog was frustrating students and concerning faculty
UNC Charlotte’s catalog wasn’t searchable or optimized for mobile devices, and publication and maintenance were incredibly time intensive. Students and faculty found the experience clunky, frustrating and disappointing. Administrators were concerned about how these processes would negatively affect UNC Charlotte’s growth and reputation. As a stakeholder of the Graduation Initiative, Dr. Zenk said meeting the university’s goals would require a complete overhaul of its curriculum and catalog management processes.
“The course catalog was essentially managed and produced in MS Word, then converted to PDF format and finally copied to a web-based version.
Dr. Leslie ZenkThe Solution & Result
A fully digital and easily navigable catalog and curriculum
It was clear UNC Charlotte needed an electronic course approval system and a searchable, easy-to-publish academic catalog optimized for mobile devices and accessibility standards. At first, Dr. Zenk and Registrar, Chris Knauer, considered building the system in-house. But, like most universities, UNC Charlotte’s internal information technology services didn’t have the staff or time to take on such a project. They needed an expert that could deliver a turn-key solution to suit their needs. So, they turned to the market leader: Modern Campus.
The Modern Campus team worked with the university staff to implement Modern Campus Catalog, a digital, interactive academic catalog solution and Curriculum, a web-based curriculum approval system for programs and courses. With Modern Campus Catalog they were able to standardize the course catalog so students can easily navigate it without downloading unwieldy PDF files. They can search for classes, compare majors and track curriculum requirements to stay on track for graduation. Dr. Zenk said Modern Campus Catalog and Curriculum were key to making the Graduation Initiative a success.
Impact of the solution, by the numbers
138 days
time course and curriculum proposals would take with the PDF catalogs
61 days
time they take after implementing Modern Campus Catalog and Curriculum
77 days
time saved using Modern Campus Catalog and Curriculum
The Future
The future looks bright for this campus and their implementation of Modern Campus solutions – experiencing the highest undergraduate retention rate in 15 years and rising.

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About Modern Campus
Modern Campus empowers 1,700+ higher education institutions to attract, engage, and retain learners for life with software solutions that enable a modern student experience.
The Modern Campus learner-to-earner lifecycle platform powers solutions for web content management, conversational text messaging, catalog and curriculum management, career pathways, student engagement and development, and non-traditional student management. The result: innovative institutions engage their modern learners for life, while providing modern administrators with the tools needed to streamline workflows and drive high efficiency.
Learn how Modern Campus is leading the modern learner-to-earner movement at moderncampus.com and follow us on LinkedIn.