Creating a Constellation of Offerings with Microcredentials and Continuing Education
Creating a Constellation of Offerings with Microcredentials and Continuing Education

As the need for short-term, affordable and flexible programming increases, institutions are looking to these alternative...

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New Models of Higher Education Customized for the Modern Learner
New Models of Higher Education Customized for the Modern Learner

There’s a phenomenon already occurring around adult learners customizing their own educational pathways and higher education...

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Personalizing the Student Experience to Reinvent Learner Pathways
Personalizing the Student Experience to Reinvent Learner Pathways

Personalization is what modern learners demand in this Amazon world and is key for institutions to survive and thrive...

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In today’s digital age, students expect choice—in all aspects of their lives. They demand an experience that’s unique to them and the feeling that an institution cares about them.
Adopting 21st Century Marketing Tactics in Higher Education

In today’s digital age, students expect choice—in all aspects of their lives. They demand an experience that’s unique...

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Programming needs to be aligned with industry needs. But industry moves at a much faster pace than the traditional college or university is used to.
Meeting Learner and Industry Needs with Meaningful Credential Pathways

Programming needs to be aligned with industry needs. But industry moves at a much faster pace than the traditional college...

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Your learner is a professional online shopper.
3 Consumer Behaviors that Determine Your Enrollments

Understanding your learners’ online behaviors and building your school’s digital infrastructure around them is the...

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