Supercharge Your Institution Website with Conversational Text Messaging: Modern Campus CMS + Signal Vine
Join Modern Campus’ Modern Campus CMS and Signal Vine Experts, Charles, Kim, and Meghan as we explore our best practices...
The University of Minnesota Realized Massive Cost Savings
The University of Minnesota consolidated all non-credit and continuing education offerings into Modern Campus Lifelong...
McHenry County College Revolutionizes Productivity and Student Satisfaction
How one small but mighty community college introduced self-service registration and created business efficiencies with...
The University of California Berkeley Extension Improved Retention and Program Management
How UC Berkeley Extension improved its student experience and simplified management of continuing and professional education...
High-Impact Practices: The Complete Guide to Deeper Student Learning
How to Design Co-Curricular Experiences that Propel Student Skill Development and Retention
CUNY Streamlines Registration, Enhances Advisement and Improves Student Experiences
How the nation’s largest urban public university system leverages Modern Campus Register to deliver modern student exper...
Meet Melody: The First Low-Code Web Design Tool Purpose-Built For Higher Ed
Melody is our low code tile solution for beautiful website design and management. Users can create high-impact page layouts...
End Curriculum Chaos & Enhance Your Acalog Investment
Join a panel of your peers to learn how they manage their curriculum cycles in a transparent in real time environment,...
PeopleSoft Academic Advisement Report & Student Scheduling Integration: A How To Webinar
Did you know Modern Campus Register is the only solution that enables students to view and select from the AAR directly...
Banner DegreeWorks & Student Scheduling Integration: A How To Webinar
Join us to learn how Modern Campus Connected Curriculum’s Register solution integrates with DegreeWorks at the point...