Four Keys to Making the Most of your Data with Destiny One

Four Keys to Making the Most of your Data with Destiny One


Strong, relevant data is at the heart of every good decision, and Continuing Education divisions are no exception. Many non-degree education divisions are unable to access important metrics and information, which can lead to uninformed decisions that may hinder efforts to grow the institution.

In a recent webcast, two CE leaders discussed how data provided by Destiny One—the only software developed for Continuing Education—is enabling institutional growth through educated decisions.

1. Destiny One’s reporting module informs decisions and expands access to performance metrics

Destiny One gives schools access to data that shapes a division’s understanding of how offerings are performing, allowing them to allocate resources more effectively.

David Benson, Associate Director of Continuing Education Systems at Temple University, said Destiny’s dashboards have been a gamechanger for the division.

“I can now look at the Enrollment dashboards and the Finance dashboards to see how we’re doing month over month, or quarter over quarter,” said Benson, explaining that this information would have been a struggle to find prior to implementing Destiny.

2. Destiny One facilitates transparency on divisional performance for senior leaders

Destiny’s infrastructure is crucial to Western University’s Continuing Studies department (WCS) transparency to senior leadership.

“Destiny gives me the annual reporting I need as a leader,” said Carolyn Young, Director of WCS. “When you’re asked for something and you need it in 20 minutes, you can find it with Destiny.”

Benson at Temple University said Destiny’s data was a key factor in stakeholders continuing their investments with the school.

“Whenever we need funding for a grant project, the funder wants to see outcome data,” Benson said. “In the decisions to continue an investment, the numbers we had through Destiny were a key part of those discussions.”

3. Destiny One’s dashboards directly promote divisional success

Destiny One’s dashboards tell WCS where time and energy need to be placed, based on past performance, according to Young.

“The enrollment comparison report shows us what can we expect in terms of revenue based on a year ago,” Young explained. “It helps us with our projections for the coming year.”

Destiny One’s dashboards also tell administrators how students found out about a certain program, which Young says it tells CE where to put marketing dollars.

4. Destiny One’s data instills greater staff efficiency

The operational data generated by Destiny One has allowed Temple University to easily monitor and manage administrative activities. Benson said Destiny’s data now informs where staff and resources are placed.

“There are heaps of operational audit data generated from compliance, auditability and liability perspectives, so I can see everything anyone’s doing at any time,” Benson said. “These are resources we don’t have to build internally, they’re baked into the product.”


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Last updated: February 1, 2021


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