Increasing Efficiency to Increase Student Engagement


Keeping up with the Amazon-like online experience that today's students have come to expect can be a challenge when your back-office processes are bogged down in a mixture of manual or paper-based systems. Western Continuing Studies (WCS) offers a wide variety of courses and programs to a diverse student body, yet the school did not have the right processes and systems in place to manage them as efficiently as possible. 

Staff often spent huge amounts of time and effort working on redundant and repetitive tasks that took them away from meaningful interactions with students. In particular, the school’s registration processes took a lot of manual effort from staff and did not meet the high expectations of the non-traditional students they serve—and today’s students are demanding shoppers. In fact, according to Young, “Our customers expect what we call the ‘Amazon experience.’ You go in, you find what you want, you buy it and you’re in and out in five minutes.”

To address these challenges, WCS turned to Destiny One, Modern Campus' student-centric software application made specifically for managing non-traditional higher education. Since it was implemented in 2013, Destiny One has helped WCS increase online enrollments, reduce repetitive administrative work for staff, and enhance the customer experience for students.

Destiny One has helped WCS to:

- Increase conversions from prospective learners into enrolled learners
- Increase the number of registrations completed online without manual intervention from staff
- Increase transparency and information gathering with detailed reporting

By implementing the Destiny One software platform, Western Continuing Studies has been able to streamline and automate its business processes. This investment has simplified life for staff and, as a result, it has significantly improved their capacity to serve their students. According to Young, the value of improved business processes for any higher education organization is as clear as day. “If you’re using processes that are dated, you’re going to lose your customers.”

To learn exactly how Destiny One has helped Western Continuing Studies, download the full case study.

Destiny One is a student-centric SaaS application that helps universities and colleges engage their students with world-class customer service. Destiny One is used by top institutions across the U.S. and Canada to enable the level of business excellence needed to support growth and enhance customer engagement with learners.

Destiny One manages the entire learner lifecycle, allowing institutions to:

- Plan and manage courses, certificates and programs
- Target marketing campaigns and define a consistent look and feel
- Increase registrations by automating the enrollment process
- Govern accounting transactions and manage financial information
- Configure workflows, staff roles and permissions, and rules and fees
- Gather useful data and report on facets of your business

Student Experience

Last updated: February 1, 2021


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