Supporting Military Students & Families Through Educational Opportunities
Gallena University recognizes that serving student veterans enriches the campus environment and fits the university’s mission of serving its community. That’s why Harry in Student Services is pushing for more ways to target this demographic with veteran-specific information.
Harry knows that older students returning to college often have issues with navigating the modern college application process, even if these prospective students have some college experiences under their belt. And though there are several veterans' programs on campus, they are generally used by military personnel who have already been admitted.
To empower more veterans to apply to college, Harry used Instinct to design a unique personalization cadence for Gallena’s website. This simplifies the admissions process and provides military personnel and veterans with the information they need in the right place at the right time.
The Instinct Advantage for a Modern Campus
Harry made a list of all programs and opportunities on campus that might appeal to military personnel, veterans and their families. He also looked for ways to streamline the admissions process. Then, using Instinct by Modern Campus, Harry created dynamic content blocks that, based on the web pages visited, present pertinent information to veterans.
For example, on their first visit to the application page, veterans find the default application page complete with instructions. On their third visit, an additional content block displays testimonials from veterans who graduated. On pages about cost and tuition, these prospective students see information highlighting financial aid for military families. By their fifth visit, dynamic content presents information about the school’s on-campus daycare for working students.
Admissions and marketing professionals aren’t the only ones who benefit from Modern Campus Instinct. After 20 years in the service, Darla, a U.S. veteran, is ready for a new challenge: college. She’s seeking an institution with resources specific to non-traditional veteran students and services that can help her navigate military education benefits. Instinct makes it easy for Gallena to provide Darla with helpful information, no matter where she is on the school’s website. Even better, the more Darla visits the site, the better Gallena can intuitively serve her the information she wants and needs.
Are You Ready to Supercharge Your School’s Enrollment and Admissions Process?
Like Harry, you, too, can use Instinct to do big things to attract and retain veterans and military personnel returning to school. Even before you know your website visitor’s name, Instinct helps you understand their interests and then uses that information to offer tailored content and messaging that the student is looking for—at the right time.
Don’t wait. It’s time to transform your website into a next-generation digital experience with rich personalization that dramatically increases digital engagement.
Read the first 3 blog posts in this series:
- Recruiting Out-of-State and International Students
- Targeting Students for Honors Programs & Financial Aid
- Helping Students Find their Campus & Academic Program Fit
Website Personalization Website Content Management
Last updated: May 25, 2022