Illumination Podcast

Stay ahead of the curve by tuning in weekly to hear college and university leaders share insights on the ever-evolving higher ed landscape.

The EvoLLLution


Episode 151: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 151: Strengthening Continuing Education Through Collaborative Strategies

On this episode, Jess Lambrecht, Executive Officer of the Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training at the...

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Episode 150: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 150: The Transformative Role of Continuing Education in Higher Ed

On today’s episode of the Illumination by Modern Campus podcast, podcast host Shauna Cox was joined by Nancy Coleman...

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Episode 149: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 149: Building a Strong Digital Foundation to Drive Student Engagement

On this episode, Mindy Peep, Associate Director of Digital and Content Strategy at the University of Wyoming, discusses...

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Episode 148: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 148: Unraveling the Skills Gap between Higher Ed and the Workforce

On this episode, Jo Ann Hall, Dean of Economic and Workforce Development at Moraine Park Technical College, discusses...

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Episode 147: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 147: Enriching Communities through Continuing Education for a Lifetime

On this episode, Leonard Rivera, Associate Vice President of Continuing Education & Off-Campus Programs at Del Mar College,...

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Episode 146: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 146: The Student-Centered Roadmap to Understanding Modern Learners

On this episode, Leslie Webb, Vice Provost of Student Success and Campus Life at the University of Montana, discusses...

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Episode 145: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 145: Revitalizing the Institution: Embracing Lifelong Learning Through Rebranding

On this episode, Hilary Culbertson, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications in the Office of Innovation and Lifetime...

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Episode 144: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 144: Achieving Alignment with Academic Affairs and Continuing Education

On this episode, Janelle Elias, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Rio Salado College, discusses discuss the importance...

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Episode 143: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 143: Creating Future Literacy to Prepare Students for a Changing World

On this episode, Melissa Vito, Vice Provost of Academic Innovation at the University of Texas at San Antonio, discusses...

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