Modern Campus CMS Hosting & Security


We’re Great Hosts, No Matter What Time It Is


We pioneered software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology in higher ed because college isn’t 9-to-5.

Students, faculty and staff need all-night, wee-morning-hour access from the library, lab or living room—no downtime allowed.



Extra Credit



Cloud-based CMS choice in higher ed



Potential IT savings with a cloud-based system



SaaS uptime rate

New Mexico Tech is a Modern Campus customer.

I like the SaaS version of Modern Campus CMS because I know that our servers are maintained by the experts at Modern Campus, which takes the stress off of our IT team. I also like Modern Campus CMS over an open-source solution because there is an extra feeling of security. I want to make sure I don’t get a call at 2 AM about the website being down. I feel comfortable knowing that the system is solid and proprietary and that Modern Campus professionals, who know the ins and outs of the system, are there if I need them."

Benson Hendrix, Digital Media Manager and Web Developer - New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Read case study


Related Resources

Find out what you need to know about SaaS in higher ed.


SaaS in Higher Education: What Your Institution Should Know

Work faster and with more agility using a cloud-based CMS.

Read blog post

Utah Valley University is a Modern Campus custosmer.

Case Study

Utah Valley University Rebrands and Paves the Way for Website Excellence

Learn how UVU saved 91% in weekly person hours when they implemented Modern Campus CMS’ SaaS solution.

Read case study

Find out what you need to know about CMSs in higher ed.


Content Management Systems for Higher Ed: An Easy Q&A

To help you make an informed decision when purchasing a CMS in higher ed, we’ve identified the most important questions to ask before you buy.

Read blog post





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