Layout Builder for CMS

Dramatically Reduce the Time & Effort Needed to Create Beautiful Web Pages

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The First Low-Code Web Design Tool Purpose-Built for Higher Ed




Number of college students are expected to fall by 15% after 2025.



Core non-administrative expenses at higher ed institutions have increased by 18% since 2010.



Of university leaders set their top priority as reducing cost of technology systems.


Layout Builder - Animated

Create High-Impact Page Layouts Using a Building Block Approach

Drag and drop pre-built content blocks on a grid to create stunning layouts in minutes.

  • No need for an extensive knowledge of coding
  • No need to involve the IT team each time
  • Create new web pages that are responsive for all devices

We're Higher Ed's Low-Code CMS Leader



Higher Ed Focus

Layout Builder for Modern Campus CMS is exclusively developed for higher education institutions.


Extensive Support

We are your partner from our very first meeting through go-live and beyond.


Higher Ed Community

Gain access to a community of institutions working to solve the same problems you have.


The Modern Campus Advantage 

Being a Modern Campus customer means access to other great services that are tailored to higher education. 


Web Content Management | CMS

Layout Builder is an exclusive low-code technology for Modern Campus CMS, the #1 purpose built CMS choice of higher education institutions in the world. 

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Modern Campus Design Studio 

Layout Builder is designed to jumpstart your team; howerver, if you are stuck at any point of time, our design experts with full understanding of Modern Campus CMS will consult and guide you. 

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Related Resources


Educational Guide

Low-Code CMS: What You Need to Know

A low-code CMS is designed so that non-technical administrators can design, create and manage sophisticated new web pages in a fraction of the time it once took.

Download Guide



Low-Code Web Design in Higher Ed

If you’re interested in learning more about how to launch and manage new programs and digital campaigns faster, you’ll want to download our latest white paper, Low-code Transformation: How a Next Generation CMS Will Change the Way You Manage Your Higher Ed Website.

Download Whitepaper

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