Solutions for Executive Leadership


People. Purpose. Prosperity.

We share the same bottom line: students

Ryerson University is a Modern Campus customer.

Engage students—today and tomorrow

Help students meet their goals—whether it’s an a-la-carte class or a full degree—with an online experience that recognizes who they are and engages them with compelling career, program and enrollment information.

Make it easy

Give modern students the digital experience they expect with self-serve registration, shopping carts, online drop-add options and payment. 

Read our case study with Ryerson University

Boost enrollment

Leverage 40 visualization dashboards and 150 packaged reports to make real-time market decisions that capitalize on incoming data and provide students with necessary products.

UC Berkeley Extension is a Modern Campus customer.

Save with cloud-based hosting

Slash IT expenditures with our software-as-a-service (SaaS) hosting model. (Studies show cloud-based hosting can save ~20% in IT costs.)

Accrue efficiencies

Recoup countless person hours by streamlining IT administration and database responsibilities.

Grow revenue

Capture additional income through abandoned cart recovery and showcasing specialty offerings, like corporate training and English-language learning.

Read our case study with UC Berkley


Improve retention

Remove barriers to registering and submitting paperwork with online tools that help students persist.

Connect college to careers

Automatically embed relevant, up-to-date outcomes content on program pages to guide students toward making informed program and career decisions.

Learn about Modern Campus Pathways

Personalize your content

Engage students over time with targeted enrollment and program content designed to help them find their purpose and profession.

Learn about Personalization by Modern Campus

Modern Campus Platform


Who is the modern student?

  • Looks to college websites as their number one influencer
  • Doubts the value of traditional four-year degrees
  • Wants a clear pathway from college to career
  • Changes jobs every five years
  • Plans/needs to work for 60 or more years
  • Requires lifelong reskilling for new careers, advancement and jobs yet to be imagined
  • Yearns for guidance, advising and coaching
  • Demands excellent digital customer service
  • Seeks new higher education models (like short courses, residencies, just-in-time programs, non-degree and for-credit credentials)
Who is the modern student?



Leaning on Continuing Education to Adapt to the 60-Year Curriculum

Learn what innovative institutions need to do to serve the modern student.

Read whitepaper


Extra Credit



Higher education customers



CMS of choice in higher ed around the world



Average increase in revenue generated by Modern Campus customers resulting from abandoned cart prompt

Book a demo now!

Tackle your biggest challenges

We’re looking to topple the ivory tower.

Do you want to see how? Let's talk.

Request a demo




What is the modern campus?

  • The modern campus understands that the ivory tower is crumbling under student debt, demographic lulls and doubts of degree value.
  • The modern campus knows that it’s time to disrupt the thousand-year-old cloister and re-open itself as a universe-ity beholden to its students and communities.
  • The modern campus recognizes that success begins with education and ends with, well, it never ends, because who wants to stop learning?

Modern Campus is crumbling the ivory tower in higher education.



Cuyahoga Community College is a Modern Campus customer.

What we expect to gain from implementing Destiny One is, number one, an increase in overall enrollment but also a surge in people who register online."

Bob Peterson | President and CEO of the Corporate College - Cuyahoga Community College


Year-over-year growth in students registering online


Bump in publicly available, non-credit programming enrollments

Read case study

Don’t just build a better website.

Build a better school.

The Modern Campus Student Engagement Platform challenges you to dare differently—to reimagine your institution as students’ de facto choice—now and forever.

Request a platform demo


Related Resources

Utah Valley University is a Modern Campus customer.

Case Study

Utah Valley University Rebrands Itself and Paves the Way for Website Excellence

Read how UVU saved tens of thousands of dollars in server and datacenter costs.

Read case study

Learn how to better serve the modern student in higher ed.


The Customer Experience Central to Today’s Student Experience

Today’s students no longer fit into the 18-to-22-year-old mold. See how you can better serve students outside the traditional box.

Read blog post

Make the most of your data using Destiny One.


Four Keys to Making the Most of your Data with Destiny One

Higher ed Leaders discuss the importance of Destiny One’s real-time reporting functionalities.

Read blog post

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