Graphic design referent to why continuing education is important.
Importance of a Strong Continuing Ed Division in Higher Ed

Ready to round out your higher ed offerings with non-traditional programming? Make sure you have the right tools in place.

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Graphic design with the phrase Using Texting to Engage Non-Traditional Students
3 Ways to Engage Non-Traditional Students Through Text...

How Continuing Education can engage with non-traditional students via texting with Modern Campus solutions

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Graphic design with the text How Does Text Messaging Support Student Retention in Higher Education
4 Ways Conversational Text Messaging Supports Student Retention

How college and university staff, across every department, can leverage personalized text messaging to engage today's...

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Graphic design with the text What Should High-Impact Practices Offer
How Any Student Affairs Professional Can Design a High-Impact Practice

High-impact practices have been proven to boost student retention and GPA. Here's what you need to design one.

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Graphic design with the phrase Essential Skills for Career Development
3 Ways Colleges & Universities Can Help Students Meet Employer Demands

Employers aren't seeing proof of new grads' essential skills. Here's how your institution can help change that trend.

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Graphic with the phrase Best Practices for Higher Education Websites.
Higher Education Website Management: 6 Best Practices

Higher education website management can be difficult. Implement these best practices to improve your workflow and efficien...

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