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Online Shopping for Higher Education

Better understand the modern journey of your non-traditional students as customers.

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4 Reasons You Need to Focus on Outcomes-Based Credentialing

By using outcomes-based credentialing institutions can easily open themselves up to a large and underserved market.

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Applying 4 eCommerce Best Practices to the Community College Student Experience

Learn the four best practices from the eCommerce world that you can apply at your community college and help your students...

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Building Credentialing for the 21st Century

As students and industry look for credentials to communicate value, higher education must adapt beyond traditional degrees...

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The Rebirth of Student Information Systems

The higher ed landscape today is highly competitive and constantly shifting, but with well thought-out and carefully supported...

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3 Ways to Bring Today's Students In

Students have an incredibly diverse choice available to them. Learn how customer lifecycle management helps attract today's...

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