Episode 76: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 76: Understanding Processes to Grow as an Institutional Leader

On this episode, Allan Chen, Vice President of IT and CTO at Cal Arts, discusses the key role IT leaders play, and the...

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Scaling Co-Curricular Learning to Drive Student Success in the Southeast

Join Associate Vice President for Student Development, Dr. Ken Gassiot, of Georgia Southern University for our virtual...

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Episode 75: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 75: Strategic Collaboration to Meet New Learner Models

On this episode, Julie Ouska, CIO and Vice President of IT for the Colorado Community College System discusses the balancing...

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Register for our lunch & learn!
The 2023 Registrar’s Office – What Does It Look Like?

Join us for a live discussion about what the 2023 Registrar’s office will look like. In this session we will be joined...

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Why Data is Pivotal to the Future of Student Affairs
Why Data is Pivotal to the Future of Student Affairs

Data is critical to understanding today’s learners, designing co-curricular programs that suit their needs and proving...

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The Student Affairs Guide to Data-Informed Decision-Making
The Student Affairs Guide to Data-Informed Decision-Making

How student affairs professionals can efficiently gather and analyze high-quality engagement data to drive better decision-making...

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Higher Ed Marketing Trends To Boost Enrollment in 2023

Join us to look at the top trends for higher ed marketing that you should consider for your 2023 planning to boost enrollment....

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A Modern Student Affairs Guide to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - read now
A Modern Student Affairs Guide to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

How the five tiers within Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can serve as a framework for modern higher education professionals...

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Episode 74: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 74: Keeping Up with Information Security in a Digital World

On this episode, Katrina Biscay, Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at the University of...

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Episode 73: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 73: Empowering a Modern Institution with Technology and its Leaders

On this episode, Jenn Stringer, CIO and Associate Vice Chancellor of Information Technology at the University of California...

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