The Transformational Role of Student Affairs
The Transformational Role of Student Affairs

How to leverage and scale Student Affairs to support institutional growth and learning success

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Why Presidents Across the U.S. say CE Will Determine the Modern Institution's Success
Presidents' Insights: 3 Reasons Continuing Education Will Define Higher Education's Future

Why Presidents Across the U.S. say CE Will Determine the Modern Institution's Success

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Why It’s Essential To Your Student’s Immediate And Long-Term Outcomes
3 Reasons Your Students Need Stronger Co-Curricular Engagement

Why It’s Essential To Your Student’s Immediate And Long-Term Outcomes

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Streamlined and Student-Centric: Using Modern Acalog and Register to Simplify the Registration Process
6 Ways to Enhance Your Modern Campus CMS Investment with Acalog

Peak Performance from Higher Ed’s Best-in-Class CMS and Catalog Management Software

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What Is Conference Manager for Associations?
What Is Conference Manager for Associations?

Learn how conference management software helps your association reduce costs, improve productivity and drive operational...

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3 Ways to Maximize Your Association's Professional Engagement
3 Ways to Maximize Your Association's Professional Engagement

How to drive membership with Modern eCommerce Practices and Streamlined Administration

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Weber State University's Three Steps to a Modern Campus
Weber State University's Three Steps to a Modern Campus

How Weber State University modernized its catalog, curriculum management and registration processes.

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Equipping Students With Marketable Skills And Experiences Through Co-Curricular Learning Tracks at Georgia Southern University
Driving Enrollment with Seamless Registration at Oakton Community College

How one college is using eCommerce-driven administration and ERP integration to boost learner engagement

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Tufts University campus
Tufts University Designed and Launched 72 Virtual Orientation Programs in 24 Days

How a private university engaged students in virtual programming for the first time, through Modern Campus Involve

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Washington State University's main campus
Washington State University Engages Students Virtually and In-Person Across 6 Campuses

How a multi-campus university engaged a quarter of its student body through its Modern Campus Involve portal within one...

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