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9 Registration Functions That Your Higher Ed SIS Can’t Do

One of the biggest misconceptions about features for a student scheduling system is that your SIS already has them built-i...

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San José State University: Supercharging Website Digital Engagement with Modern Campus CMS + Catalog
San José State University: Supercharging Website Digital Engagement with Modern Campus CMS + Catalog

“Modern Campus Catalog is more than a catalog—it’s a marketing tool, recruitment tool, and student engagement tool...

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Episode 11: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 11: Personalizing the Student Experience to Reinvent Learner Pathways

On this episode, Vincent Del Casino, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at San Jose State University,...

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Episode 12: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 12: New Models of Higher Education Customized for the Modern Learner

On this episode, we spoke with Aaron Brower, Executive Director of Extended Campus and Senior Associate Vice President...

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How to Enhance Your Modern Campus CMS Investment with a Best-in-Class Catalog Experience
How to Enhance Your Modern Campus CMS Investment with a Best-in-Class Catalog Experience

Learn why almost 800 institutions and many Modern Campus CMS customers use ACALOG, the industry’s most robust catalog...

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Driving Growth Through Tailored Systems at San Jacinto College
Driving Growth Through Tailored Systems at San Jacinto College

How one Texas college is leveraging robust integrations and increased agility to scale the institution

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Southeast Technical College
Southeast Technical College

Having best-in-class course catalog software has been a valuable tool for Southeast Tech. "It has not only made a positive...

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Episode 10: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 10: Adopting 21st Century Marketing Tactics in Higher Education

On this episode, Jon Hinderliter, Director of Marketing and Communications of University College at Washington University...

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