Success Stories

Don’t just take our word for it. Learn exactly how Modern Campus has helped our 1,700+ customers improve the modern student experience.



a student looking hopeful while holding a stack of paper labeled `financial aid application`
The Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance Connects with More than 50,000 Students

How a program of the Louisiana Board of Regents leverages text messaging powered by Modern Campus Message to increase...

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Brigham Young University campus
Brigham Young University Engaged More Students in Peer Mentorship

How a large, faith-based university leverages two-way text messaging powered by Modern Campus Message to support peer...

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Ford Family Foundation headquarters
The Ford Family Foundation Stays Connected to Scholarship Applicants & Recipients

How a private non-profit uses Modern Campus Message to deliver — and prompt responses to — time-sensitive information...

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McHenry County College campus
McHenry County College Revolutionizes Productivity and Student Satisfaction

How one small but mighty community college introduced self-service registration and created business efficiencies with...

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UC Berkeley campus
The University of California Berkeley Extension Improved Retention and Program Management

How UC Berkeley Extension improved its student experience and simplified management of continuing and professional education...

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overhead shot of The University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota Realized Massive Cost Savings

The University of Minnesota consolidated all non-credit and continuing education offerings into Modern Campus Lifelong...

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Valdosta State University
Valdosta State University Saw the Least Stressful Registration Period in 17 Years

How a University System of Georgia public university leverages Modern Campus Navigate to improve registration process

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UNC Charlotte
Central New Mexico Community College Manages Curriculums Seamlessly Across Eight Campuses

How a nationally accredited college in Albuquerque leverages Modern Campus Curriculum to manage its significant growth

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a large building made of orange brick, part of Norwalk Community College
Norwalk Community College Increased Enrollment & Registration by Texting Prospective Students

How a public community college uses conversational text messaging powered by Modern Campus Message to move prospective...

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