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Enhancing the Modern Catalog Experience with Conversational Text Messaging: Acalog + Signal Vine

Join Modern Campus’ Acalog and Signal Vine Experts, Charles and Meghan as we explore our best practices for supercharging...

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Modernizing the Continuing Education Experience with Conversational Text Messaging: Destiny One & Lumens + Signal Vine

Join Modern Campus’ Continuing Education and Signal Vine Experts, Charles, Chad, Sarah, and Meghan as we explore our...

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Signal Vine + Lumens Connector

Watch Modern Campus’ Continuing Education and Signal Vine Experts, Charles, Sarah and Nate as we explore our best practices...

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Signal Vine + Lumens Connector

Join Modern Campus’ Continuing Education and Signal Vine Experts, Charles, Sarah and Nate as we explore our best practices...

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whitepaper: A Higher Ed Guide for Designing Text Messaging Campaigns — How Modern Colleges and Universities Can Design & Send Engaging Text Messages That Prospective, Current & Alumni Students Will Happily Respond To
A Higher Ed Guide for Designing Text Messaging Campaigns

How Modern Colleges and Universities Can Design & Send Engaging Text Messages That Prospective, Current & Alumni Students...

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Taking Student Engagement to the Next Level with Conversational Text Messaging: Presence + Signal Vine

Join Modern Campus’ Presence and Signal Vine experts as we explore our best practices to take your student engagement...

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Supercharge Your Institution Website with Conversational Text Messaging: Modern Campus CMS + Signal Vine

Join Modern Campus’ Modern Campus CMS and Signal Vine Experts, Charles, Kim, and Meghan as we explore our best practices...

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McHenry County College campus
McHenry County College Revolutionizes Productivity and Student Satisfaction

How one small but mighty community college introduced self-service registration and created business efficiencies with...

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UC Berkeley campus
The University of California Berkeley Extension Improved Retention and Program Management

How UC Berkeley Extension improved its student experience and simplified management of continuing and professional education...

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overhead shot of The University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota Realized Massive Cost Savings

The University of Minnesota consolidated all non-credit and continuing education offerings into Modern Campus Lifelong...

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