infographic: the dos and don't of higher education texting messaging

The Top Text Messaging Dos & Don'ts for Higher Education

If you’re new to one-to-one conversational SMS messaging in higher ed, then you likely have questions: How long should your messages be? When should they go out? To emoji or not to emoji?

Our Customer Success and Support teams hear those questions nearly every day. The hundreds of colleges and universities using Modern Campus Message want to make the most of our AI-based Blended Messaging™ technology so that, like the University of Texas at Austin, they can engage 98% of their targeted students in text messaging. 

Over the years, we’ve honed our advice as customers have proven what tactics work best. And we’re ready to spill out secrets. You’re invited to check out, print and use the tips in our cheat sheet below. Happy texting!

What are text messaging best practices for higher ed?

the dos and don'ts of text messaging

How can I design a text messaging campaign for higher ed?

The above infographic just a sampling of the best practices we’ve shared. Read our guide for more tips on aligning your goals, designing messages and connecting with the right students, prospects and alumni. We’ve included example messages for academic advisors, alumni professionals, admissions officers, college access organizations, student affairs professionals, continuing education leaders and more—and it’s all free!

a higher ed guide for designing text messaging campaigns - download now

Last updated: March 16, 2023


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