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Increasing Efficiency to Increase Student Engagement

Western Continuing Studies increased efficiency and improved engagement with their learners by adopting Modern Campus'...

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It's time to modernize your college shopping cart.
Modernize Your Higher Ed Shopping Cart with a Next-Gen System

You might not know this, but your outdated registration system is probably losing students before they ever enroll.

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Building Your Own Market with IELPs

Learn how US colleges and universities can attract and matriculate international students into degree programs through...

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Meeting student digital expectations is critical to a college's success.
Are You Delivering the Digital Experience Your Students Expect?

Students are bringing consumer expectations to their schooling. Does your higher education institution offer a strong...

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Positioning Continuing Education to Grow the Institution

Recap of two fascinating interviews that tell an exciting story about the place non-traditional divisions and non-credit...

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What Higher Education Can Learn from Online Retailers

Higher education institutions must learn from online retailers, those that fail to provide an enhanced online experience...

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