Episode 1: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 1: Mapping The Transformation of Professional and Continuing Education

On this episode of Illumination by Modern Campus, Eric Bullard, Dean of Continuing Education and Extension at UCLA, talks...

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The University of Mary Washington's main campus
The University of Mary Washington Engaged 66% of Students Within the First 6 Weeks of the Semester

How a small public university uses Modern Campus Involve to tell the story of student engagement, one data set at a time

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How to Strengthen Relationships to Drive Workforce Development and Credential Attainment

Hear how leaders across Texas are expanding relationships with employers, with students and with faculties across their...

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Register for our sixth Instinct workshop!
Instinct Workshop 6 | Personalize Your Website Using Instinct: Highlight Career Pathways Edition

Creating a personalization campaign for prospects to feel confident about career after graduation with Omni CMS Instinct...

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How to Attract, Convert and Engage Students with Personalized Digital Experiences

Personalization by Modern Campus makes it easy to apply personalization techniques to attract and convert prospective...

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What Is Website Personalization for Higher Ed?
What Is Website Personalization for Higher Ed?

Website personalization in higher ed lays the foundation for lifelong relationships that start with recruitment and continue...

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Delivering Career Pathways and Website Personalization at West Valley College
Delivering Career Pathways and Website Personalization at West Valley College

Learn how West Valley College is transforming the student experience by implementing Modern Campus Pathways.

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Scaling Non-Degree Education
Scaling Non-Degree Education

This eBook, developed with The EvoLLLution, shares a series of articles from college and university leaders reflecting...

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How To Convert CE Prospects with eCommerce Best Practices

When non-credit units use eCommerce best practices, they enjoy higher conversion rates and reduce drop-offs from CE prospe...

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What is a Non-Degree Student Management System?
What Is a Non-Degree Student Management System?

Learn everything you need to know about non-degree student management systems, which are the cornerstone of continuing...

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