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What Higher Education Can Learn from Online Retailers

Higher education institutions must learn from online retailers, those that fail to provide an enhanced online experience...

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Are You Doing Everything You Can To Deliver On Your Access Mission?

Learn why your institution needs to pay attention to speed, affordability, and relevance when serving adult learners.

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Looking for a Vendor? Make Sure Your Mission Aligns First

Colleges and universities are beginning to realize that they simply cannot do everything efficiently and effectively without...

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Announcing the Destiny One Workforce and Community Solution

Destiny Solutions is launching a new product tailored for community and technical colleges.  

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Meeting student digital expectations is critical to a college's success.
Are You Delivering the Digital Experience Your Students Expect?

Students are bringing consumer expectations to their schooling. Does your higher education institution offer a strong...

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Enable your students to earn badges for sharing on social media.
3 Reasons Certificates Benefit Higher Ed

Certificates play a role in helping people move up the income ladder through advanced education that are not quite as...

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Learn how to grow revenue through corporate relationships.
How Certificate and Certification Programs Can Strengthen an Institution’s Corporate Relationships

By using certificate and certification programs, institutions can open themselves up to a whole new (and lucrative) market,...

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Fast, Easy Checkout Turns Visitors into Students
Fast, Easy Checkout Turns Visitors into Students

Five ways to make the checkout process easier and more appealing to potential students.

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Learn from eCommerce leaders.
Modern Education: The Digital Experience Today’s Students Expect

Today’s students expect modern education, and the ideas they bring to the table are forcing higher ed institutions to...

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