Illumination Podcast

Stay ahead of the curve by tuning in weekly to hear college and university leaders share insights on the ever-evolving higher ed landscape.

The EvoLLLution


Episode 88: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 88: The Intersection of Higher Education and Industry

On today’s episode of the Illumination by Modern Campus podcast, host Amrit Ahluwalia was joined by Tom Monahan to discuss...

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Episode 87: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 87: The Emphasis of Workforce Readiness in Higher Education

On this episode, Sallie Kay Janes, Associate Vice Chancellor of Continuing and Professional Development at San Jacinto...

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Episode 86: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 86: The Emergence of a Modern Learner and Learning Continuum

On today’s episode of the Illumination by Modern Campus podcast, host Amrit Ahluwalia was joined by Gary Hepburn to...

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Episode 85: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 85: Defining a Microcredentialing Strategy

On this episode, Andrew Fisher, Vice President of Academic Affairs at NHTI - Concord's Community College, discusses defining...

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Episode 84: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 84: Redesigning the Community College Experience

On this episode, Michael Baston, President of Cuyahoga Community College, discusses the ways students are redefining the...

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Episode 83: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 83: Applying Human-Centered Practices to Drive Retention

On this episode, Geoffrey Roche—Senior Vice President of National Health Care Practice & Workforce Partnerships, Core...

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Episode 82: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 82: Understanding the Scale and Scope to Attract Modern Learners

On this episode, Craig Maslowsky, Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management at Antioch University, discusses the increasing...

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Episode 81: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 81: Higher Ed Marketing in a Consumer's World

On this episode, Jenny Petty, Vice President of Marketing Communications at the University of Montana, discusses marketing...

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Episode 80: Illumination by Modern Campus
Episode 80: The Future of a Student-Centric Registrar's Office

On this episode, Casey Bullock, Executive Director of Enrollment Services and University Registrar at Weber State University,...

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