Top 3 Myths About Website Personalization in Higher Education and Their Reality
Learn how top higher-ed marketers are acing personalization and reaching more learners.
Two Sides: How Continuing Education Complements Traditional Degree Programs
Continuing education programs and more traditional academic departments do not need to be at odds with each other. There...
Intertwined: How Continuing Ed Connects People, Community, and Institutions
Continuing Education programs provide so much to the institution, the local community, and learners, acting as a connector...
Making the Most of Open Houses and College Fairs
Here's how you can leverage Modern Campus CMS powered by Instinct to identify and cultivate prospective students. ...
Registrars Want More Impact on Learners and Less Obstacles
Recent research from AACRAO shows what's stopping registrars from being actively involved with student engagement.
How Modern Registrars Can Communicate the True Value of General Education
With the right mindset and the right technology, registrars can help improve student persistence and completion.
Higher Ed Quick Tip: Align Program Curriculum with Job Outcome
Two community college leaders share their recommendations for driving Continuing Education enrollment
The Keys to Communicating with Modern Learners: 3 Lessons from College Executives
Two community college presidents discuss the changes they're embracing in communicating with students.
Talking to You: How Digital Personalization is Easier Than Marketers Think
How college and university marketers can influence students’ and alumni's decision-making before and after their time...